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  • Products

    Electronic Signature
    Send out contracts in seconds. Confidently, securely and intuitively.
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    Digital Identifying
    Remotely verify identities. Without in-person id check, or copies.
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  • Solutions

    Web Portal
    Complete web portal for electronic signatures, digital identification and much more.
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    Easily integrate Signhost into your own system with our REST API.
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    Mobile App
    Sign and send documents quickly, easily, and securely with the Signhost app.
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  • Integration

    Easily integrate Signhost into your own system with our REST API.
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    Third-Party Integrations
    Connect with popular software solutions such as AFAS, Salesforce, and more.
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  • Pricing

    Electronic Signature
    See pricing for electronic signing with Signhost.
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  • Insights

See and compare various packages and prices for Electronic Signing or ID Proof by Signhost.
Electronic Signature
See pricing for electronic signing with Signhost.
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What Is a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)?
A Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is a particular type of digital signature that provides the highest level of security. Find out how it works on this page. Read more
What Is itsme?
itsme is an app that allows users to verify their identity and add legally binding signatures to documents. This page explains how it works.Read more
What is Know Your Customer (KYC)?
Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process of understanding who you are doing business with, but how do you conduct it and why should you? Read more
What is iDIN?
iDIN is a tool that allows businesses to verify the identities of their clients in a manner compliant with European Union rules. Find out more on this page. Read more
What is the PSD2 Directive?
The PSD2 directive is an essential piece of EU legislation, aimed at improving consumer protection in the payments sector. This page explains more.Read more
What is a Digital Signature?
A digital signature is a way of signing documents, but what is it, what are the different types and what are the benefits? Read more
What is a Wet Signature?
A wet signature is an alternative to a digital signature, but how do they compare and what are the limitations? Read more
What Is PKI?
PKI means public key infrastructure, which enables secure communications and transactions online. Find out how it works on this page. Read more
What is a Certificate Authority?
The role of a certificate authority is essential in digital security and this article explains what a CA is, what it does and how it functions.Read more
What is an Electronic Seal?
What is an electronic seal, how do you use one and how does it differ from an electronic signature? This article explains more. Read more
What is Data at Rest?
There are three different states of data, so what is data at rest and what are the threats to its security. This page explains more. Read more
What is Know Your Business (KYB)?
Know your business (KYB) procedures can help you maintain compliance. This article explains what it is and why it is important. Read more
What is Liveness Detection?
Liveness detection is a powerful tool when attempting to verify someone is who they say they are. This page explains the different types of liveness detection and how it works.Read more
What is Identity Verification?
Identity verification allows businesses and citizens to be sure of who they are working with. This page explains what identity verification is and how to carry it outRead more