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  • Products

    Electronic Signature
    Send out contracts in seconds. Confidently, securely and intuitively.
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    Digital Identifying
    Remotely verify identities. Without in-person id check, or copies.
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  • Solutions

    Web Portal
    Complete web portal for electronic signatures, digital identification and much more.
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    Easily integrate Signhost into your own system with our REST API.
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    Mobile App
    Sign and send documents quickly, easily, and securely with the Signhost app.
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  • Integration

    Easily integrate Signhost into your own system with our REST API.
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    Third-Party Integrations
    Connect with popular software solutions such as AFAS, Salesforce, and more.
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  • Pricing

    Electronic Signature
    See pricing for electronic signing with Signhost.
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  • Insights

See and compare various packages and prices for Electronic Signing or ID Proof by Signhost.
Electronic Signature
See pricing for electronic signing with Signhost.
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Send & sign contracts with your phone!


Sign and send documents quickly, easily, and securely with the Signhost app.



Whether you're on the go or without access to a printer, our app facilitates swift and legally valid e-signatures, placing convenience and compliance in the palm of your hand.

Benefits of the Signhost App

Digital and Legally Valid Signing
Sign contracts directly from your phone, ensuring legal compliance and security.
Convenient Contract Management
Easily send or sign contracts from anywhere, anytime, eliminating the need for physical paperwork.
Effortless Document Handling
Send documents directly to signatories and receive them back via the app or email, streamlining the entire process.
Versatile Compatibility
Suitable for every contract and most document types, ensuring adaptability to your specific needs.
Last-Minute Additions
Seamlessly add last-minute text to your documents using the Evidos app integration.
Scan and Sign
Digitally sign incoming paper documents by scanning and signing them within the app.

How the Signhost App Works

Sending Contracts

Easily send contracts to one or multiple signatories using the Signhost app. Verify the signer's identity with our range of verification methods. Simply upload your document, whether it's a PDF, Word file, or another format, and indicate where the signature should appear. Forgot to include something? Add last-minute text with the extra text field option. Define the subject of the signing request, include a description if needed, and send it off. Sending is done via email, but can also be facilitated through QR codes for on-location signing or sharing via WhatsApp or other social platforms.

Handling Incoming Contracts

Receive and digitally sign incoming contracts directly within the app. If a contract arrives via traditional mail, utilize our unique scan and sign feature. Scan the document using your phone's camera, digitally reconstruct it, place your signature, and send it back promptly.

Contract Management and Archiving

Effortlessly manage your contracts through the Dashboard, where all transactions are neatly organized with their corresponding statuses. Sort contracts easily and save drafts for future reference. Remember to archive contracts within 30 days for safekeeping. The app seamlessly integrates with our web portal or API, ensuring that all transactions performed via the app are visible and accessible through the connected system.

Streamline your contract management process with the Signhost app, empowering you to sign and send documents with unparalleled ease and efficiency.

Get in contact

Fill in the contact form, or call us on +31 (0) 23 737 00 46