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  • Products

    Electronic Signature
    Send out contracts in seconds. Confidently, securely and intuitively.
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    Digital Identifying
    Remotely verify identities. Without in-person id check, or copies.
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  • Solutions

    Web Portal
    Complete web portal for electronic signatures, digital identification and much more.
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    Easily integrate Signhost into your own system with our REST API.
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    Mobile App
    Sign and send documents quickly, easily, and securely with the Signhost app.
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  • Integration

    Easily integrate Signhost into your own system with our REST API.
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    Third-Party Integrations
    Connect with popular software solutions such as AFAS, Salesforce, and more.
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  • Pricing

    Electronic Signature
    See pricing for electronic signing with Signhost.
    See pricing >
  • Insights

See and compare various packages and prices for Electronic Signing or ID Proof by Signhost.
Electronic Signature
See pricing for electronic signing with Signhost.
See pricing >

Partnership with Planon

As a Signhost partner, you can offer your clients a reliable way to identify users & have documents signed electronically. Read more about our partnership with Planon.


About Planon

Planon is the world’s leading provider of property management and facility management software that enables digitization of buildings and services by integrating the wide variety of smart building technologies, business solutions and data into a single source of truth and transforming it into added value for building owners, building users and service providers. Independent market research and consultancy firms have rated Planon as a global leader in the IWMS market for years on end. Planon has deployed its unique, comprehensive software solutions to more than 2,500 customers, supported by offices and partners around the world.


✓ Fast and legally valid

✓ Significant cost saving

Get in contact

Fill in the contact form, or call us on +31 23 737 00 46